Prayer Requests and more:

-Haiti:  Urgent Prayer Request for Haiti – The situation is dire as our churches and pastors have now come under attack by the gangs. Please pray for our brothers and sisters there as many have had to flee their homes and many homes have been burned.  Use Psalm 91:4-6 to pray for the children of Haiti.  Pray the father will provide refuge for His children, and His truth will be their shield so they will not be afraid of the terror by night or darkness and destruction around them.
~Praise the Lord for sponsors who faithfully support ICCM children who live in creative access countries.  You can help support “our” children–see the bulletin board to sign up for a month to sponsor one or both of the children.
Pray for the 3,000 enrolled children awaiting sponsors.  Pray they will experience God’s provision.
The church sponsors two children–if you’d like to help sponsor, see the sign up sheet on the bulletin board!
 Or sign up to sponsor a child yourself at:
-Prayers for Children programs  – Continue to pray for our children ministries.  Our programs are growing, praise God!  Continued prayers for those working with these programs.

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